Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas 2018

Image result for missing you christmas poem

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you have both have had a wonderful day.

I miss you both.

Tonight, we'll all go see the Christmas Balls over in Starmount. It is really pretty. I hope to be able to share this with you both some time.

In the meantime, I'm sending you Christmas love and hugs. I cant wait until the day we can spend holidays together. Remember, I'm just a phone call or an email away. I love you and you will always have a safe place in my home if you ever need it.

With all my love and hope,


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

You're 18! Happy Birthday!

Happy 18th Birthday, Tater Butt! I hope you have had a wonderful day.

You can find me on Facebook or Instagram if you would like to talk. We have so much to catch up on!

I love you and I have always loved you and I cant wait until the day when we can share with one another everything that has happened since we last hugged.

I am always here if you need me.

With love and hope,

Monday, July 23, 2018

Happy 15th, Buddy!

Happy 15th Birthday, Ethan. I hope you got the card I sent.

I love you and I hope that you had a wonderful birthday.

I cant help but wonder if you are about to go through Driver's Ed. Pay attention! Stay safe! But most importantly, relax. You're going to be a great driver.

I wish I were there to hug your neck right now. Words arent enough for me to tell you how much I miss you.

My phone number is in the card I sent. You and your sister can use it ANYTIME!

I love you, Ethan. That has never changed from the moment I first met you 15 years ago. It will never change.

All my hopes and prayers are for you and your sister. Be good to each other.

With love and hope,

I'm so proud of you

Your birthday is coming up and you are on my mind. I miss you.  I'm so proud of your dedication to your education. Congratulations on yo...